Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Customers please be aware that all County regulations are not the same.  What you can burn, excavate, clear, grade and add fill dirt to in one county does not apply to another county.  Some new state regulations apply also.  Case in point.  The job I cleared back in March, 2012 in Gainesville was supposedly finished.  The owner had me pile up the brush and trees in approx. 25 piles to burn once the restrictions were lifted in October.  October came and the owner contacted the county and the fire marshall to prepare to burn and they said "no way".  So.....he hired me to move all of these brushpiles and this is what it NOW looks like.  Please contact me if you have any questions BEFORE you plan to do anything with your property.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Old pictures

These pictures are of my Dad from around 1950. I guess it's in my blood....huh?

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Landscaping rocks anyone?

I have plenty of landscaping rocks available if someone needs them. Contact me.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

....and the finished product.

Completed the 7 acre clearing job. Ready for a barn and pasture.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Clearing job in Gainesville

I started a 7 acre clearing job in Gainesville a few weeks ago. All but about 1% are cedar trees. Thick and time consuming, but gettin' it done.

First....you size em up to make sure you have a clear enough area to place the pile.

Then........you knock em down, line em up and push em up into a big pile's...... to be burned at a later date.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Friday, January 20, 2012

Happy Anniversary

This January, Martin's Materials, LLC is celebrating it's 10 year anniversary. From now until March 1, 2012 I am discounting all loader work for any client by 10%. Now is the time to get that work done that you have been putting off for so long. Clearing, excavation, grading, ponds, riding rings, fill dirt, demolition, etc. Let me give a you free estimate.


5747 Wilshire Drive Warrenton, Virginia 20187

Office: 540-349-1771 Fax: 540-349-2070
Cell: 540-222-5420
www. martinsmaterials.com